
Clinical case: Testis

A 27-year old wrestler of the national wrestling team complains to the team doctor that he experiences discomfort in the area of his left scrotum. It also appears that there is an accumulation of fluid in the scrotum and he has a dull pain in his groin. He mentions that he thinks he hurt his pectoral muscles because his breasts are tender. An examination shows that he has a mass in the one testicle and after an ultrasound examination he is diagnosed with an early stage of choriocarcinoma (germ cells cancer).
  • In which tubes are the germ cells of the testis found?
  • What are the different developmental stages of these germ cells that can be identified histologically?
  • What is the further course of the tubuli seminiferi in the testis? How do the different tubules differ from one another?
  • What is the further course of the tubuli seminiferi in the testis? How do the different tubules differ from one another?
  • What are the different parts of the sperm?

© februarie 2001 - september 2007 marius loots