Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 1

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
B Pankreas / Pancreas
C Pineaalklier / Pineal gland
D Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum
E Testis / Testis
F Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
G Hipofise / Pituitary Gland
H Nier / Kidney
I Bynier / Adrenal Gland
J Ovarium / Ovary

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 2

Identifiseer elk van die gemerkte strukture: / Identify each of the marked structures:

question 3

Pas die histologiese struktuur met die korrekte hormoon: / Match the histological structure with the correct hormone:

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 4

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Pankreas / Pancreas
B Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum
C Ovarium / Ovary
D Hipofise / Pituitary Gland
E Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
F Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
G Pineaalklier / Pineal gland
H Testis / Testis
I Bynier / Adrenal Gland
J Nier / Kidney

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 5

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Pineaalklier / Pineal gland
B Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum
C Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
D Ovarium / Ovary
E Testis / Testis
F Hipofise / Pituitary Gland
G Pankreas / Pancreas
H Nier / Kidney
I Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
J Bynier / Adrenal Gland

Hierdie is 'n lae vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a low magnification of this structure.

question 6

Identifiseer elk van die gemerkte strukture: / Identify each of the marked structures:

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 7

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Ovarium / Ovary
B Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
C Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
D Nier / Kidney
E Hipofise / Pituitary Gland
F Pankreas / Pancreas
G Testis / Testis
H Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum
I Bynier / Adrenal Gland
J Pineaalklier / Pineal gland

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 8

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Testis / Testis
B Bynier / Adrenal Gland
C Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
D Ovarium / Ovary
E Hipofise / Pituitary Gland
F Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
G Pankreas / Pancreas
H Pineaalklier / Pineal gland
I Nier / Kidney
J Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 9

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
B Testis / Testis
C Nier / Kidney
D Pankreas / Pancreas
E Hipofise / Pituitary Gland
F Bynier / Adrenal Gland
G Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum
H Ovarium / Ovary
I Pineaalklier / Pineal gland
J Paratiroïed / Parathyroids

Oor die pankreas: / On the pancreas:

question 10

Merk elke stelling as waar of vals: / Mark each statement as true or false:

A A-selle in die pankreas sekreteer glukose. / A cells in the pancreas secrete glucagon.
True False
B Drie hoof tipes selle, A (alfa-), B (beta-) en D (delta-) selle kan in die endokriene pankreas onderskei word. / Three prinicipal cell types, A (alpha), B (beta) and D (delta) cells can be identified in the endocrine pancreas.
True False
C Eilande van Langerhans vertoon as trosse liggekleurde selle omring deur die donkerder pankreas asini. / Islets of Langerhans appear as clusters of pale-staining cells surrounded by more intensely stained pancreatic acini.
True False
D Die endokriene pankreas sekreteer hormone wat bloed glukose vlakke reguleer. / The endocrine pancreas secretes hormones that regulate blood glucose levels.
True False
E A-selle maak ongeveer 50 tot 60% van die eiland selle uit. / A cells constitute about 15 to 20% of the islets cells.
True False
F Somatostatien inhibeer insulien en glukagon sekresie. / Somatostatin inhibits insulin and glucagon secretion.
True False
G B-selle maak ongeveer 10% van die eiland selle uit. / B cells constitute about 70% of the islets cells.
True False
H D-selle maak ongeveer 5 tot 10% van die eiland selle uit. / D cells constitute about 30 to 40% of the islets cells.
True False
I Insulien verlaag bloed glukose vlakke. / Insulin decreases blood glucose levels.
True False
J D-selle in die pankreas sekreteer somatostatien. / D cells in the pancreas secrete somatostatin.
True False
K Poligonale pankreas eiland selle is in kord onreëlmatige koorde gerangskik. / Polygonal pancreatic islets cells are arranged in short, irregular cords.
True False
L B-selle in die pankreas sekreteer insulien. / B cells in the pancreas secrete insulin and glucose.
True False
M Glukagon verhoog bloed glukose vlakke. / Glucagon increases blood glucose levels.
True False

0 / 0

Oor die hipofise: / On the pituitary gland:

question 11

Merk elke stelling as waar of vals: / Mark each statement as true or false:

A Selle in die pars distalis van die hipofise is in koorde en nessies gerangskik met kapillêre tussen in. / Cells in the pars distalis of the hypophysis are arranged in islands with interweaving veins.
True False
B Die anterior lob van die hipofise is nie 'n endokriene klier nie, maar eerder 'n stoor area vir neurosekresies. / The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is not an endocrine gland, but rather a storage site for neurosecretions.
True False
C Die pars nervosa bevat gemiëliniseerde dendriete vanaf die hipotalamus. / The pars nervosa contains myelinated dendrites from the hypothalamus.
True False
D Die posterior lob van die hipofise bestaan uit die pars tuberalis en infundibilum. / The posterior lobe of the hypophysis consist of the pars nervosa and infundibulum.
True False
E Selle van die anterior lob van die hipofise kan in drie tipes verdeel word naamlik somatotrope, laktotrope en kortikotrope. / Cells in the anterior lobe of the hypophysis can be classified into five cell types, namely somatotropes, lactotropes, corticotropes, gonadotropes and thyrotropes.
True False
F Die posterior lob van die hipofise ontstaan uit neuroektoderm. / The posterior lobe of the hypophysis derives from neuroectoderm.
True False
G Die hipofise het drie funksionele komponente naamlik die adenohipofise, tuberale hipofise en neurohipofise. / The pituitary gland has two functional components namely the adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis.
True False
H Drie tipes selle kan histologies in die pars distalis geïdentifiseer word naamlik basofiele (10%), asidofiele (40%) en chromofobe (50%). / Histologically, three types of cells can be identified in the pars distalis namely basophils (10%), acidophils (40%) and chromofobes (50%)
True False
I Die posterior kerne van die hipotalamus stoor en stel sekretoriese produkte vanaf die hipofise vry. / The posterior nuclei of the hypothalamus stores and releases secretory products from the pituitary gland.
True False
J Die anterior lob van die hipofise bestaan uit die pars distalis, pars intermedia en pars tuberalis. / The anterior lobe of the hypophysis consist of the pars distalis, pars intermedia and pars nervosa.
True False
K Die anterior lob van die hipofise ontstaan uit ektoderm. / The anterior lobe of the hypophysis derives from endoderm.
True False
L Die anterior lob van die hipofise reguleer ander endokriene kliere en sommige nie-endokriene weefsels. / The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland regulates other endocrine and exocrine glands.
True False

0 / 0

Hierdie is 'n lae vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a low magnification of this structure.

question 12

Identifiseer elk van die gemerkte strukture: / Identify each of the marked structures:

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 13

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Ovarium / Ovary
B Hipofise / Pituitary Gland
C Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
D Pankreas / Pancreas
E Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum
F Pineaalklier / Pineal gland
G Testis / Testis
H Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
I Nier / Kidney
J Bynier / Adrenal Gland

question 14

Pas die histologiese struktuur met die korrekte hormoon: / Match the histological structure with the correct hormone:

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 15

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
B Pankreas / Pancreas
C Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
D Hipofise / Pituitary Gland
E Ovarium / Ovary
F Pineaalklier / Pineal gland
G Nier / Kidney
H Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum
I Testis / Testis
J Bynier / Adrenal Gland

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 16

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Hipofise / Pituitary Gland
B Pankreas / Pancreas
C Ovarium / Ovary
D Bynier / Adrenal Gland
E Nier / Kidney
F Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
G Pineaalklier / Pineal gland
H Testis / Testis
I Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
J Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum[0 0

Hierdie is 'n lae vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a low magnification of this structure.

question 17

Identifiseer elk van die gemerkte strukture: / Identify each of the marked structures:

Hierdie is 'n lae vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a low magnification of this structure.

question 18

Identifiseer elk van die gemerkte strukture: / Identify each of the marked structures:

Hierdie is 'n lae vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a low magnification of this structure.

question 19

Identifiseer elk van die gemerkte strukture: / Identify each of the marked structures:

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 20

Identifiseer elk van die gemerkte strukture: / Identify each of the marked structures:

Hierdie is 'n lae vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a low magnification of this structure.

question 21

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Bynier / Adrenal Gland
B Hipofise / Pituitary Gland
C Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
D Pankreas / Pancreas
E Ovarium / Ovary
F Pineaalklier / Pineal gland
G Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
H Testis / Testis
I Nier / Kidney
J Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 22

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Pankreas / Pancreas
B Hipofise / Pituitary Gland
C Ovarium / Ovary
D Bynier / Adrenal Gland
E Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum
F Pineaalklier / Pineal gland
G Testis / Testis
H Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
I Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
J Nier / Kidney

question 23

Identifiseer die hormoon afgeskei deur elke orgaan: / Identify the hormone secreted by each organ:

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 24

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
B Pankreas / Pancreas
C Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum
D Testis / Testis
E Pineaalklier / Pineal gland
F Bynier / Adrenal Gland
G Nier / Kidney
H Ovarium / Ovary
I Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
J Hipofise / Pituitary Gland

Oor die byniere: / On the adrenal glands:

question 25

Merk elke stelling as waar of vals: / Mark each statement as true or false:

A Die kortikale selle van die bynier ontstaan uit mesoderm. / Cortical cells of the adrenal gland originates from the mesoderm.
True False
B Die zona glomerulosa van die bynier korteks maak tot 80% van die kortikale volume uit. / The zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex constitutes up to 15% of the cortical volume.
True False
C Selle van die zona reticularis is groter as die van die zona fasciculata. / Cells of the zona reticularis are larger than those of the zona fasciculata.
True False
D Chromaffien selle van die bynier medulla het 'n eksokriene funksie. / Chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla have a exocrine function.
True False
E Die byniere word verdeel in kortikale en medullêre streke. / The adrenal glands are divided into cortical, dermal and medullary regions.
True False
F Die primêre sekresie van die zona reticularis is swak endrogene. / The primary secretion of the zona reticularis are weak androgens.
True False
G Selle van die zona glomerulosa is in los rye gerangskik. / Cells of the zona glomerulosa are arranged in loose rows.
True False
H Selle van die zona reticularis is in anastomoserende koorde gerangskik en geskei deur gefenestreerde kapillêre. / Cells of the zona reticularis are arranged in anastomosing cords, separated by fenestrated arterioli.
True False
I Selle van die zona glomerulosa is relatief klein, kubies en kleur donker. / Cells of the zona glomerulosa are relatively small, columnar or pyramidal and stain densely.
True False
J Die byniere sekreteer beide steroïed hormone en katecholamiene. / The adrenal glands secrete both steroid hormones and catecholamines.
True False
K Selle van die zona fasciculata is in lae meerlagige plat epiteel, een tot twee selle dik, gerangskik. / Cells of the zona fasciculata are arranged in long straight cords, one or two cells thick.
True False
L Die zona reticularis van die bynier korteks maak slegs 5 tot 7% van die kortikale volume uit. / The zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex constitutes only 5 to 7% of the cortical volume.
True False
M Die zona fasciculata van die bynier korteks maak tot 15% van die kortikale volume uit. / The zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex constitutes up to 15% of the cortical volume.
True False
N Selle van die zona glomerulosa sekreteer glukokortikoïede wat koolhidraat en proteïen metabolisme reguleer. / Cells of the zona glomerulosa secretes glucocorticoids that regulates glucose and fatty acid metabolism.
True False
O Selle van die zona fasciculata is groot en piramiedvormig. / Cells of the zona fasciculata are large and star-shaped.
True False
P Die bynier korteks word verdeel in drie sones, naamlik die zona glomerulosa, fasciculata en reticularis. / The adrenal cortex is divided into three zones, namely the zona glomerulosa and zona reticularis.
True False
Q Medullêre selle van die bynier ontstaan uit neuraal rif selle. / Medullary cells of the adrenal gland originates from neural crest cells.
True False
R Selle van die zona glomeruloas sekreteer aldosteroon wat 'n rol speel in die beheer van bloeddruk. / Cells of the zona glomerulosa secretes aldosterone that functions in the control of blood pressure.
True False

0 / 0

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 26

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Bynier / Adrenal Gland
B Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum
C Ovarium / Ovary
D Testis / Testis
E Hipofise / Pituitary Gland
F Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
G Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
H Nier / Kidney
I Pankreas / Pancreas
J Pineaalklier / Pineal gland

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 27

Identifiseer elk van die gemerkte strukture: / Identify each of the marked structures:

Hierdie is 'n lae vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a low magnification of this structure.

question 28

Identifiseer elk van die gemerkte strukture: / Identify each of the marked structures:

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 29

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Testis / Testis
B Nier / Kidney
C Ovarium / Ovary
D Bynier / Adrenal Gland
E Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum
F Pankreas / Pancreas
G Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
H Pineaalklier / Pineal gland
I Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland

Hierdie is 'n hoë vergroting van die struktuur. / This is a high magnification of this structure.

question 30

Identifiseer die weefsel. / Identify the tissue.

A Pineaalklier / Pineal gland
B Paratiroïed / Parathyroids
C Testis / Testis
D Tiroïedklier / Thyroid Gland
E Hipofise / Pituitary Gland
F Bynier / Adrenal Gland
G Ovarium / Ovary
H Pankreas / Pancreas
I Nier / Kidney
J Corpus luteum / Corpus luteum