
Longitudinal section of a decalcified tooth


Workbook tasks

Slide 27: Tooth


This slide is a longitudinally ground section of the tooth.

Identify microscopically:

  1. Enamel
  2. Dentine

  3. Cementum

  4. Interglobular space

  5. Granular layer of Tomes

  6. Retzius lines

Draw and annotate:

A diagram of the tooth showing the different structures and divisions.


  1. What is characteristic of the enamel?
  2. How can one recognise the dentine?
  3. What cells are found in the cementum, and where are they found?
  4. What are the interglobular spaces ad the layer of Tomes?



Longitudinal section through a decalcified tooth

Very low magnification

Very low magnification of the tooth

Clinical application

Root Canal procedure: unhealthy tooth, drilling, filing, rubber filling. Root Canal procedure: unhealthy tooth, drilling, filing, rubber filling. Root Canal procedure: unhealthy tooth, drilling, filing, rubber filling. Root Canal procedure: unhealthy tooth, drilling, filing, rubber filling.
© februarie 2008 marius loots