Slide 29: Eye - thin stratified squamous unkeratinizing epithelium
This is a sagittal section through the eye. The lens may or may not be present.
The thin stratified squamous unkeratinizing epithelium is found on the outside of the cornea. Stratified epithelia occur where there are high levels of friction.
Orientate yourself macroscopically with respect to the eye by identifying the following structures:
The eyeball and the cornea situated anteriorly.
Ciliary body
Iris - anterior and small posterior chambers
Lens [if present]
Large posterior chamber and vitreous body
Optic nerve [if present]
- Epithelium
- The eye
The cornea
The Limbus
The Sclera
The conjunctiva Epithelium Connective tissue
The Choroid
The Ciliary Body
The Iris
The Retina
Draw and annotate:
A few epithelial cells of each layer showing the different cell shapes.
A line diagram of the eye, including detail of a small part of each of the different elements that make up the eye.
- How many cell layers form this epithelium and how thick is each one of these layers in relation to one another?
- How does the shape of the cells in each layer change?
- What is characteristic of the junction between this epithelium and the underlying support structures (connective tissue)? Are papillae present?
- What types of epithelium are found in the cornea?
- What membranes and types of support tissue are connected to the cornea?
- How do the layers of the limbus of the cornea differ from those of the sclera and conjunctiva?
- What type of epithelium forms the Canal of Schlemm?
- What are the characteristic features of the ciliary zonule of lens?
- What type of support tissue is associated with the sclera?
- What type of epithelium covers the conjunctiva?
- What type of support tissue is associated with the conjunctiva?
- What are the layers of the choroid?
- What is the membrane of Bruch and what cells make up this membrane?
- What structures does the ciliary body consist of?
- What is characteristic of the epithelium of the ciliary body?
- What types of muscle forms the iris?
- How is the ora serrata identified?
- What are the layers of the fovea?
- What structures connect to the optic disk?