Esophagus Slide 31 (H & E)

This slide is a cross section through the esophagus demonstrating the different structures and layers.

Clinical case
A 50-year-old man has a history of years of retro-sternal pain.

The pain is sometimes sharp and refers sometimes to his back. He has episodes of heartburn especially with certain foods. Recently he has noticed he has difficulty in swallowing. Milk and/or Rennies temporarily relieve the pain. The problem is diagnosed as achalasia.

  • Describe the arrangement of muscle in the wall of the esophagus.
  • Where is the myenteric plexus found?
  • What is the myenteric plexus?
  • Is a cardio-esophageal sphincter pres ent?

This is a very low magnification of the esophagus demonstrating the general structure.

Fig 13
Fig 31-001

This is a higher magnification of the esophagus demonstrating the luminal surface and underlying structures.

Fig 14
Fig 31-002

Clinical case Fig 31-001 Fig 31-002


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