Neuromuscular Bundle Slide 32 (H & E)

Clinical Case
During a party in the passage of the mens' hostel a students falls through the glass door and cuts a number of tendons including N.ulnaris of his left forearm. The tendons as well as the sheath of the nerve is repaired.
  • How would one distinguish between Schwann cell nuclei and connective tissue nuclei?
  • How would one distinguish between the axon and myelin?
  • What is chromatolysis?
  • At what tempo does the regenerating axons grow?

A low magnification of a neuromuscular bundle demonstrating the structure of a nerve.

Fig 32-001
Fig 032-001

A high magnification of a cross section through a nerve bundle demonstrating the structure of a nerve fiber.

Fig 32-002
Fig 032-002

The following figure represents the process of nerve repair. (Diagram is taken from Histology by Stevens & Lowe 1st Edition, Fig 13:21 p. 222)

Fig 2

Clinical Case Fig 32-001 Fig 32-002


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