
Pituitary gland


Workbook tasks

Slide 52: Pituitary gland


This slide is a longitudinal section through the pituitary gland.



  • Orientate yourself with respect to the different parts of the pituitary.


  • Pars distalis

  • Pars intermedia

  • Pars nervosa

  • Pars tuberalis


Draw and annotate:

A line drawing of the pituitary gland. In each of the parts of pituitary gland, draw areas in detail.


  1. What different cells and structures is the pars distalis comprised of?
  2. What are the characteristics of the pars intermedia?
  3. What structures form the pars nervosa?
  4. What is a Herring body?




  1. Pituitary gland
  2. Pituitary gland
  3. Detail of the pituitary gland
  4. Detail of the pituitary gland
  5. Neurohypophysis of the pituitary gland
  6. Capsule and adjacent pars anterior of the pituitary gland
  7. Capsule and adjacent pars anterior of the pituitary gland
  8. Pars intermedia of the pituitary gland
  9. Section of the pars nervosa
  10. Section of the pars nervosa


Clinical anatomy




Macroscopic anatomy

  1. Name and identify the position, relations and parts of the hypophysis.
  2. Name and identify the clinically important structures anatomically related to the hypophysis.
  3. Explain the anatomical basis for bitemporal hemianopia that occurs in the presence of a hypophyseal tumour.
  4. Identify the hypophyseal fossa on a lateral skull X-ray.
  5. Identify the hypophysis on CT (computerized tomography) or MRl (magnetic resonance imaging).
  6. Describe the hypophyseoportal system of the hypophysis.



Low magnification of the pituitary gland
Blood vessels in the pituitary gland
Blood vessel adjacent to colloid in the pituitary gland
Basophilic cells in the pituitary gland
Cells of the adenohypophysis
Groups of cells in the adenohypophysis
Groups of cells in the adenohypophysis
Groups of cells in the adenohypophysis
Basophilic cells in the pituitary gland
Cells of the adenohypophysis
Red blood cells.
Detail of the neurohypophysis
Basophilic cells in the pituitary gland
A group of basophilic cells in the hypophysis
A group of eosinophilic cells in the hypophysis

Very low magnification

Low magnification

Medium magnification

High magnification


Groups High magnification of the pituitary gland
© oktober 2007 marius loots