Gall bladder Slide 58 (H & E)

Clinical Case
A female patient complains of a pain in the right epigastrium with a severe intensity varying from 1 to 4 hours subsiding gradually. This is followed with soreness or ache in the right upper abdominal quadrant which radiates out to the shoulder and persists for about 24 hours. She also experiences nausea and sometimes vomiting.

Laboratory tests show high levels of serum bilirubin.

A diagnosis of common duct stones is made.

  • What type of epithelium covers the gall bladder?
  • What layers form the mucosa?
  • How are the muscle layers arranged?
  • What are gall bladder diverticula?
  • Which part of the gall bladder is covered by an adventitia?

This slide is a section through the gall bladder to demonstrate the different structures.
This is a very low magnification through the gall bladder.

Slide 58-001
Fig 58-001

This is a higher magnification of a section through the gall bladder demonstrating a diverticulum.

Slide 58-004
Fig 58-002

Clinical Case Fig 58-001 Fig 58-002

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