Slide 71: Nostril
This slide is a section through the nostril.
- Are you able to wiggle your nose?
- Which tissue makes it possible to wiggle your nose?
- Is your nose rigid or soft?
- Which tissue provides the rigidity in the nose?
View the slide on very low magnification and identify the following regions:
- The attached side of the slide.
- The "pointy" side of the nostril.
- The externally visible surface of the nostril.
- What is typical of the external surface of the nostril?
- The internal surface of the nostril.
- What is typical of the internal surface of the nostril?
- The cartilage of the nostril.
- Name the cartilage of the nostril.
- The central area of the nostril.
- What are the two main tissues making up the central area of the nostril?
Enlarge the view as appropriate and identify microscopically:
- Skin and hypodermis
- Muscle
- Cartilage
- Skin and hypodermis in the vestibule of the nostril
- On which surface of the nostril do you find hair?
- On which surface of the nostril do you find glands?
- Name the glands.
Draw and annotate:
A line diagram indicating the layers comprising the nostril.
- To the line diagram, add all the components discussed above.
- Label all components.
- For each component, elaborate by making a connection with other content you know. The connection can be with histology, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology or pathology.
- What are the differences between the hair and sebaceous glands of the skin and the vestibule?
- What type of cartilage is found here?