


Slide 71: Nostril


This slide is a section through the nostril.


  1. Are you able to wiggle your nose?
  2. Which tissue makes it possible to wiggle your nose?
  3. Is your nose rigid or soft?
  4. Which tissue provides the rigidity in the nose?

View the slide on very low magnification and identify the following regions:

  1. The attached side of the slide.
  2. The "pointy" side of the nostril.
  3. The externally visible surface of the nostril.
  4. What is typical of the external surface of the nostril?
  5. The internal surface of the nostril.
  6. What is typical of the internal surface of the nostril?
  7. The cartilage of the nostril.
  8. Name the cartilage of the nostril.
  9. The central area of the nostril.
  10. What are the two main tissues making up the central area of the nostril?

Enlarge the view as appropriate and identify microscopically:

  1. Skin and hypodermis
  2. Muscle
  3. Cartilage
  4. Skin and hypodermis in the vestibule of the nostril
  5. On which surface of the nostril do you find hair?
  6. On which surface of the nostril do you find glands?
  7. Name the glands.

Draw and annotate:

A line diagram indicating the layers comprising the nostril.

  1. To the line diagram, add all the components discussed above.
  2. Label all components.
  3. For each component, elaborate by making a connection with other content you know. The connection can be with histology, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology or pathology.


  1. What are the differences between the hair and sebaceous glands of the skin and the vestibule?
  2. What type of cartilage is found here?



Overview of the nostril 1


  1. What type of epithelial tissue lines the interior of the human nostril?
  2. What is the function of the ciliated cells found in the nasal epithelium?
  3. Which type of glandular cells are commonly present in the nasal mucosa?
  4. What is the role of goblet cells in the nostril histology?
  5. What structural feature increases the surface area within the nasal cavity for olfactory reception?
  6. Which specialized sensory cells are responsible for detecting odors in the nasal epithelium?
  7. How does the blood supply contribute to the function of the nasal mucosa?
  8. What is the significance of the nasal conchae in the histology of the nostril?
  9. Which type of cartilage provides structural support to the external nose?
  10. How does the histology of the nostril epithelium differ from that of the respiratory tract?
  11. What is the primary function of the nasal cavity?
  12. What lines the nasal vestibule?
  13. What are vibrissae, and where are they found?
  14. Which cells produce mucus in the nasal cavity?
  15. What type of epithelium covers the roof of the nasal cavity?
  16. What separates the nasal cavity into two spaces?
  17. What structures project into the nasal cavity to increase surface area?
  18. What type of mucosa lines the majority of the nasal cavity?
  19. What is the function of seromucous glands in the nasal mucosa?
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