Lung Slide 74 (H & E)

The following figures demonstrate the different structures that are present in the lung.
This is a low magnification of the lung to illustrate the respiratory structures of the respiratory system.

Fig 16
Fig 74-002

This is a high magnification of the lung to demonstrate a respiratory bronchiole.

Fig 17
Fig 74-003

This is a low magnification of the lung demonstrating the basic structures that are present.

Fig 18
Fig 74-004

This is a high magnification illustrating the structures of the interalveolar membranes of the lung.

Fig 19
Fig 74-005

This is a high magnification demonstrating the visceral pleura of the lung.

Fig 20
Fig 74-007

Clinical Case Fig 74-002 Fig 74-003
Fig 74-004 Fig 74-005 Fig 74-007


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