


Workbook tasks

Slide 76


This slide is a longitudinal section through the kidney.



  • The mass of tissue forming the kidney.

  • The cortical and medullary areas of the kidney.


  • Simple cuboidal epithelium that lines certain of the tubules. These cells are as wide as they are high.

  • Cortex and medulla
  • Renal body

  • Proximal and distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts

  • Macula densa

  • Medullary rays

  • Excretory ducts

  • Renal papillae


Draw and annotate:

A few simple cuboidal epithelial cells lining the tubules. Also, indicate the connective tissue that these cells rest on.

A line diagram of the different parts of the kidney, and in detail of the renal body, proximal and distal convoluted tubules and the loop of Henle.


  1. Describe the shape of these cells.
  2. Are the cell borders of these cells visible?
  3. How is the width of these cells determined?
  4. Why does the simple cuboidal epithelium appear stratified in certain places?
  5. What structures of the renal body can be distinguished?
  6. What are the identifying characteristics of the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, and how does one distinguish between them?
  7. How does the macula densa appear, and where are these cells situated?
  8. What are the distinguishing characteristics of the loop of Henle?
  9. Where are the different sections of the nephron found in the kidney?
  10. What does the epithelium of the secretory tubules of the kidney look like?
  11. What type of epithelium lines the renal papilla?



Medium magnification

A glomerulus of the kidney

High magnification

Slide 76: High magnification of the kidney
Slide 76: High magnification of the kidney

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