
Cardiac muscle (longitudinal section)



cardiac catheterization

Clinical case

Senile cardiac amyloidosis
All the same case, but different magnifications and stains:
  1. Intermediate magnification micrograph of senile cardiac amyloidosis HE
  2. Intermediate magnification micrograph of senile cardiac amyloidosis Congo red
  3. High magnification micrograph of senile cardiac amyloidosis HE
  4. High magnification micrograph of senile cardiac amyloidosis Congo red
  5. High magnification micrograph of senile cardiac amyloidosis HE
  6. High magnification micrograph of senile cardiac amyloidosis Congo red
  7. High magnification micrograph of senile cardiac amyloidosis Movat

Workbook tasks

Slide 86: Heart muscle


This is a longitudinal section through heart muscle, stained to show the cross striations clearly.

Identify microscopically:

  1. Muscle fibers
  2. Nuclei of the heart muscle fibers

  3. Intercalary discs and cross striations

  4. Connective tissue

Draw and annotate:

A few heart muscle fibers. Indicate the different components in detail.


  1. Which bands are visible with the light microscope?
  2. How do the intercalary discs appear?
  3. What are the regions at the poles of the nucleus called and how are they formed?



Very low magnification of cardiac muscle
Longitudinal section of cardiac muscle


High magnification of heart muscle (longitudinal section)
High magnification of heart muscle (longitudinal section)

Longitudinal section of cardiac muscle

© januarie 2008 marius loots