Summary of the structure of the penis
The penis consists mainly of three parallel-arranged columns of erectile tissue that is surrounded by fascia and thin skin.
Frontiers in Zoology 2005, 2:12doi:10.1186/1742-9994-2-12
A skin fold, the preputium, covers the glans of the penis
On the inner surface of the preputium and on the glans sebaceous glands not associated with hair follicles are found
Beneath the skin is fascia with scattered smooth muscle fibers
Three columns of erectile tissue
The dorsal side of the penis has two columns of erectile tissue which are arranged next to one another known as the corpus cavernosum penis.
Beneath them in the centre the single corpus spongiosum, through which the urethra runs, is located.
Tunica albuginea
This dense connective tissue sheath covers each of the two corpora cavernosa.
Between the two corpora the sheaths join to form a septum which is incomplete in the distal region of the organ.
The tunica albuginea covering the spongiosum contains many elastic fibers and some smooth muscle.
The sheath is absent in the glans.
Erectile tissue
This tissue consist of a three-dimensional network of trabeculae which gives it a spongy appearance.
The trabeculae consist of loose connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers.
The trabeculae are lined by endothelium.
© oktober 2007 marius loots