The male urethra is divided into three segments:
Prostatic urethra
- Runs through the prostate.
- Initially the epithelium is urothelium but changes to stratified columnar epithelium.
- The lamina propria contains gland and is located on an inner longitudinal and an outer circular smooth muscle layer.
Membranous urethra
- Is the shortest segment.
- It runs through the urogenital diaphragm.
- The lumen is irregular.
- Lacunae are found in places.
- The epithelium is stratified columnar.
Cavernous urethra
- Runs through the corpus spongiosum and opens on the glans.
- Stratified columnar epithelium lines the irregular lumen.
- Close to the opening the epithelium changes to unkeratinised stratified squamous epithelium.
- The lamina propria contains small mucinous glands, the glands of Littre.