Lymphoid Tissue Terminology

This crossword was created by Marius Loots with EclipseCrossword -

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  1. ,sites where lymphocytes mount adaptive immune responses; examples include lymph nodes and spleen (25)
  2. ,"es of barriers, cells, and soluble mediators that combine to response to infections of the body with pathogenic organisms" (13)
  3. ,lymphoid nodule associated with the respiratory tract (40)
  4. ,Outermost or superficial layer of an organ. (6)
  5. ,"Lymphoid tissue contained in the mucosal linings in the human body, protecting the body from an enormous quantity and variety of antigens." (4)
  6. ,Branches of the central arteries into the red pulp. (17)
  7. ,Branch from trabecular arteries into and throughout the white pulp. Surrounded by groups of T-cells that a form a structure called the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath. (14)
  8. ,lymphoid nodules associated with the nasopharynx (7)
  9. ,Lymph follicle after antigenic stimulation when antigen recognizing B cells are stimulated to replicate and differentiate. (27)
  10. ,"Tissue where lymphocytes are formed and mature, providing an environment for stem cells to divide and mature into B- and T- cells." (23)
  11. ,unencapsulated patches of lymphoid tissue found throughout the body (16)
  12. ,Sinuses around the high endothelial venules. (14)
  13. ,site where lymphocytes mature and proliferate; red bone marrow and thymus gland (22)
  14. ,Dense area of a lymph node with high antibody production (14)
  15. ,"The thickened coat of arterioles, consisting of adenoid tissue, into a spheroidal shape." (10)
  16. ,Aggregated lymphoid nodules found mainly in the lower portions of the small intestine. (12)
  17. ,tissue found inside bones; the site of all blood cell differentiation and maturation of B lymphocytes (11)
  18. ,fluid contained within the lymphatic system (5)
  19. ,vessels containing unique endothelial cells specialized to allow migration of lymphocytes from the blood to the lymph node (24)
  20. ,"Connective tissue known as the cords of Billroth and many splenic sinuses that are engorged with blood, giving it a red color. Its primary function is to filter the blood of antigens, microorganisms, and defective or worn-out red blood cells." (8)
  21. ,"Blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the spleen, branching from the celiac artery, and follows a course superior to the pancreas." (14)
  22. ,lipid-rich lymph inside the lymphatic capillaries of the small intestine (5)
  23. ,"large duct that drains lymph from the lower limbs, left thorax, left upper limb, and the left side of the head" (13)
  24. ,A channel containing mainly macrophages in the medulla of a lymph node. (15)
  25. ,Regions of the spleen that encircles the central arteries of the spleen and composed mostly of T cells. (30)
  26. ,Area in the red pulp filled with blood and lined with rod-shaped cells. (13)
  27. ,immature T cell found in the thymus (9)
  28. ,"network of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and ducts that carries lymph from the tissues and back to the bloodstream." (16)
  29. ,Region at the interface between the non-lymphoid red pulp and the lymphoid white-pulp of the spleen. (13)
  30. ,secondary lymphoid organ that filters pathogens from the blood (white pulp) and removes degenerating or damaged blood cells (red pulp) (6)
  31. ,large lymphatics that collect lymph from smaller lymphatic vessels and empties into the blood via lymphatic ducts (16)
  32. ,clusters of rapidly proliferating B cells found in secondary lymphoid tissues (16)
  33. ,Septae in thymus (18)
  34. ,white blood cells characterized by a large nucleus and small rim of cytoplasm (11)
  35. ,Capillaries surrounded by accumulations of reticular cells and macrophages. (18)


  1. ,drains lymph fluid from the upper right side of body into the right subclavian vein (20)
  2. ,Innermost part of an organ or structure. (7)
  3. ,Depression or fissure where structures such as blood vessels and nerves enter an organ. (5)
  4. ,lymphoid nodule associated with the mucosa (33)
  5. ,Area in lymph node where afferent lymph enters. (17)
  6. ,bag-like vessel that forms the beginning of the thoracic duct (14)
  7. ,molecule recognized by the receptors of B and T lymphocytes (7)
  8. ,differentiated B cell that is actively secreting antibody (11)
  9. ,antigen-specific protein secreted by plasma cells; immunoglobulin (8)
  10. ,relatively slow but very specific and effective immune response controlled by lymphocytes (24)
  11. ,lead into a lymph node (26)
  12. ,rapid but relatively nonspecific immune response (22)
  13. ,one of the bean-shaped organs found associated with the lymphatic vessels (10)
  14. ,smallest of the lymphatic vessels and the origin of lymph flow (19)
  15. ,Area of a lymph node between the subcapsular cortex and the medullary cords. It consists mostly of long-lived lymphocytes (T cells) derived from the thymus. (17)
  16. ,"small cavity, sac or gland" (8)
  17. ,"fibrous tissue covering, exact composition dependant on the organ." (7)
  18. ,Sites of antigen driven replication and differentiation into committed effector cells. (25)
  19. ,"Found in the red pulp of the spleen between the sinusoids, consisting of fibrils and connective tissue cells with a large population of monocytes and macrophages." (16)
  20. ,lymphocytes that act by differentiating into an antibody-secreting plasma cell (7)
  21. ,Accumulations of lymphoid tissue along the course of lymphatic vessels. (17)
  22. ,lead out of a lymph node (26)
  23. ,Organs forming part of the body's immune system to defend against invading pathogens that cause infections or spread of tumors. They consist of connective tissues with different types of leukocytes. (14)
  24. ,"Outer ring of small lymphocytes surrounding a germinal center, containing transient lymphocytes." (11)
  25. ,"Part of the hepatic portal system that drains blood from the spleen, the stomach, fundus and part of the pancreas." (12)
  26. ,"Structures found in the medulla of the human thymus, formed from eosinophilic type VI epithelial reticular cells arranged concentrically." (18)
  27. ,"Tiissue element in the form of a small beam, strut or rod, generally having a mechanical function, and usually composed of dense collagenous tissue." (10)
  28. ,"Cortical lymphoid follicles, composed of small B lymphocytes before antigenic stimulation." (25)
  29. ,primary lymphoid organ; where T lymphocytes proliferate and mature (6)
  30. ,Component of the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue which works in the immune system to protect the body from invasion in the gut. (4)
  31. ,Branches of the splenic artery after it passes into the trabeculae of the spleen. (17)
  32. ,cytotoxic lymphocyte of innate immune response (19)
  33. ,mature B or T cell that has not yet encountered antigen for the first time (17)
  34. ,antipathogen defenses deriving from a barrier that physically prevents pathogens from entering the body to establish an infection (16)
  35. ,"Specialized epithelial cells of the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues, which transport antigens from the lumen to cells of the immune system, thereby initiating an immune response or tolerance." (6)
  36. ,"lymphocyte that acts by secreting molecules that regulate the immune system or by causing the destruction of foreign cells, viruses, and cancer cells" (6)

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