Liver Terminology

This crossword was created by Marius Loots with EclipseCrossword -

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  1. ,Macrophages present in the space of Disse. (13)
  2. ,Fibres consisting of type III collagen. (16)
  3. ,Inferior surface of the liver (16)
  4. ,"An extremely narrow tubular passage or channel. In the liver, the thin tubes that collects bile secreted by hepatocytes." (10)
  5. ,Terminal duct of the exocrine liver. (12)
  6. ,"Hexagonal division of the liver, centred around a central vein." (14)
  7. ,"Intrahepatic bile ductules, found between bile canaliculi and interlobular bile ducts near the outer edge of a classic liver lobule. Lined with simple cuboidal epithelium, and partially by cholangiocytes and hepatocytes." (15)
  8. ,Cuboidal epithelial cells of the bile duct. (13)
  9. ,Primary energy source for the brain. (7)
  10. ,little lobe (6)
  11. ,Connective tissue component of the liver. (6)
  12. ,Door of the liver (5)
  13. ,Plates of hepatocytes. (10)
  14. ,exocrine secretion of the liver. (4)
  15. ,"A lipoprotein is a biochemical assembly whose purpose is to transport hydrophobic lipid (a.k.a. fat) molecules in water, as in blood or ECF." (12)
  16. ,Discontinuous capillary. (9)
  17. ,A yellow compound that occurs in the normal catabolic pathway that breaks down heme in vertebrates. (9)
  18. ,Connective tissue divisions between lobes. (18)
  19. ,Physiological removal of toxic substances from a living organism. (8)


  1. ,"Component of the hepatic lobule, consisting of the following five structures: hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein, bile ducts, lymphatic vessels and a nerve." (12)
  2. ,Liver parenchymal cells with both endocrine and exocrine functions. (11)
  3. ,Energy storage unit in the liver and muscle. (8)
  4. ,Functional metabolic unit of the liver. (12)
  5. ,Perisinusoidal space. Space between the lining cells of the sinusoids and hepatocytes. (14)
  6. ,Vein found at the center of a classic liver lobule. (12)
  7. ,"Carrier of waste nitrogen, and plays a role in the countercurrent exchange system of the nephrons." (4)
  8. ,"Space between two hepatocytes, forming bile canaliculi." (19)
  9. ,yellow (8)
  10. ,The liver parenchyme surrounding a portal triad and receiving the bile from that area. (14)
  11. ,Epithelial cells of endodermal origin in the liver (10)
  12. ,"Connective tissue covering of the liver, consisting of regularly arranged collagen fibers and some fibroblast. Outside of this is a layer of mesothelial cells." (16)
  13. ,Carries digestive products from the intestines to the liver. (11)

This crossword puzzle was created by Marius Loots with EclipseCrossword. Try it today—it's free!