- vesicles containing indigestible materials (13)
- undifferentiated male germ cell (14)
- fibrous envelope of the corpora cavernosa penis (16)
- fluid that contains spermatozoa (5)
- vascular layer of the testis (17)
- non-motile apical modifications of the cell (11)
- motile sperm cell (12)
- compound tubuloalveolar exocrine gland with pseudostratified epithelium (8)
- anastomosing network of delicate tubules with ciliated cuboidal epithelium with microvilli (11)
- results from division of secondary spermatocytes (9)
- contains digestive enzymes to break down the zona pellucida (8)
- compound tubulo-alveolar glands (19)
- polyhedral epithelioid cell adjacent to the seminiferous tubules (11)
- bulbous structure (11)
- connect seminiferous tubule to rete testis (14)
- innermost layer or wall of the seminiferous tubule (19)
- produce sperm and androgens (6)
- haploid cell after meiosis I (22)
- single, narrow, tightly-coiled tube (10)
- small hyaline masses of unknown significance (20)
- tube with pseudostratified columnar epithelium lined by stereocilia (15)
- gland with mucosa, lining of interspersed columnar cells & lamina propria; a thick muscular wall & irregular lumen (15)
- cytoplasmic inclusions of Leydig cells (17)
- step in the maturation of spermatozoa required to render them competent to fertilize an oocyte (12)
- location of meiosis and Sertoli cells (19)
- isolated from blood and lymph (21)
- form the blood-testis barrier (12)
- transitional becomes pseudostratified columnar and stratified columnar, then stratified squamous (7)
- lash-like appendage (9)
- diploid male reproductive cell (20)
- division (5)
- unilaminar duct composed of columnar ciliated and non-ciliated (absorptive) cells (17)
- final stage of spermatogenesis, with maturation of spermatids into mature, motile spermatozoa (14)
- convoluted and dilated vessels with an intimal cushion and valves (15)
- pair of sponge-like regions of erectile tissue (16)
- division into basal compartment and adluminal compartment (20)
- mass of spongy tissue surrounding the male urethra (17)
- joins with the ductus deferens (21)
- group of cells that develop in the walls of the seminiferous tubules (18)
- bulbourethral glands (14)
- produce products that mix with the sperm to protect and preserve (15)
- formed by the union of the vas deferens & seminal vesicle (16)
- tortuous enlargement of the ductus deferens at the fundus of the bladder (7)
- covered by a two layered pseudostratified epithelium (17)
- process in which spermatozoa are produced from spermatogonial stem cells by way of mitosis and meiosis (15)
- external male intromittent organ that additionally serves as the urinal duct (5)
- short, pyramid-shaped cells which contact the basal lamina (10)