
Secretion of different types of secrete

Glandular epithelium

The following three figures demonstrate the structure of secretory units secreting specific types of secrete.

Submandibular salivary gland Slide 35 (H & E)

A very high magnification of the submandibular gland demonstrating the structure and arrangement of the cells of a serous secretory unit.

Fig Fig 35-001
Fig 35-001
Wheater 3rd Ed p.91 or 4th Ed p. 95

Pharyngeal tube (Eustachian tube) Slide 39 (H & E)

The following two figures illustrate the different structures of mucinous and mixed glands.

A very high magnification of the pharyngeal tube demonstrating the structure and arrangement of the cells of a mucinous secretory unit.

Fig Fig 39-003
Fig 39-003
Wheater 3rd Ed p.91 or 4th Ed p. 95

A very high magnification of the pharyngeal tube demonstrating the structure and arrangement of the cells of a mixed secretory unit.

Fig Fig 39-004
Fig 39-004
Wheater 3rd Ed p.91 or 4th Ed p. 95

Clinical Case Fig 35-001 Fig 39-003 Fig 39-004


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