• esc key shows all the slides
  • arrows left right advance the slide
  • or click on the bottom right icons
  • mobile device swipe left right
  • ? gives instant help
How to get the most from the revision slides
  • Have a pen & paper ready
  • Answer every question
  • Mark your answer after answering
  • Elaborate on each answer
  • Add relevant clinical content
  • If you have trouble, ask

Excellence. NO EXCUSES!


If Not Excellence, What?

If Not Excellence Now, When?

You can work in teams. Try to limit your group to not more than and never ever subdivide the work. Work together on each part. Subcontracting will lead to some member doing more than the others and all of you losing the benefits of engagement with all aspects of the work.


No stupid questions
Or stupid answers

Just errors uncorrected


What you need to know


Exercises to reach the objectives


Not every week
Not everyone
You missed it
You missed it

Exit ticket

Feedback from you
What is the foundation of your studies?

Making sense



Long term

Dissecting the slides
  1. What am I looking at?
  2. What can I identify?
  3. What else looks like this?
  4. Where is Up, Down, Inside, Outside?
  5. What is the magnification?
  6. Which items are larger/smaller?
  7. What do I need to look up?
  8. Can I add anything else?

Drawing Exercises

I show - You draw

I draw - You evaluate



Cross section
Longitudinal section



Cross section
Longitudinal section



Cross section
Longitudinal section

What is a Columbus Egg?


3 DIFFERENT images

Toilet roll

Cross section
Longitudinal section


  • squares
  • circles
  • rectangles
  • triangles
  • donuts
  • polygonal
  • tubes
  • strands
  • tiles
  • wires


  • Outside
  • surface
  • Inside
  • empty
  • filled

Cell content

  • nucleus
  • nucleolus
  • organelles
  • cilia
  • centrioli
  • mitosis
  • fibres


  • cuboidal
  • columnar
  • basal
  • polygonal
  • squamous
  • red blood cell


  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • Very high

Feature set

  1. Surface
    • Inside
    • Outside
  2. Nuclei
    • Magnification
  3. Wires
histoweb.co.za / histoweb.up.ac.za
histoweb Topics


Ultrastructure of the Cell

Objectives: Microscope

  1. Identify and know the functions of the main components of a light microscope.
  2. Operate a light microscope.
  3. Properly focus and use the different objectives.
  4. Calculate the magnification of each objective and ocular combination.
  5. Recognise commonly used stains and their appearance on a slide.
  6. Explain the use of eosin and haematoxylin on slides.
  7. Compare and explain the main similarities and differences between the light microscope and electron microscopes.
  8. Recognise images from different types of microscopes.
Objectives: Cell

  1. List the organelles found in human cells.
  2. Identify the various organelles of a cell on microscopic images.
  3. Describe the various organelles of a cell and the functions of each.
  4. Explain the processes of mitosis and meiosis, the difference between the two processes and the purpose of each.
  5. List the stages of the cell cycle.
  6. Give examples of cells in the human body commonly found or excluded from each of the stages of the cell cycle.
  7. Describe the morphology of some representative cell types in the human body.
  8. Differentiate regions of high and low cellularity based on the number of nuclei.

Ultrastructure of cell

  • Draw a combined cell
  • All components
  • Mitosis
  • Meiosis

Additional Resources

For each slide shown

List the organelles
Most prominent

Score yourself - x?v

The End

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