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How to get the most from the revision slides
Have a pen & paper ready
Answer every question
Attempt to label all slides
Mark your answer after answering
Elaborate on each answer
Add relevant clinical content
If you have trouble, ask - you know where
Community of Truth
What is my answer?
What is the correct answer?
I am am wrong, what was my error?
THUS: Find the truth
Philosophy 1
What is the least amount of work I can do so I can get out of here.
Philosophy 2
Today and Now I will do something for my future self.
Instructions for use
This page is under construction. For now, it is just a resource of the images found in the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology Handbook. It wil slowly change into a revision tool. Each slide has a number. Use this to refer to the slide. When completed, it will have an unlabelled section, with labelled slides in parallel. On the unlabelled slides, write your answer and use the labelled slide to assess yourself. Keep track by also noting the number on each slide. Improvement at each attempt is important, more so than full marks on a first attempt.