




Clinical case

Sickle-cell disease

Workbook tasks

Slide 114: Blood smear


This is a blood smear to demonstrate red and white blood cells.

Identify microscopically:

  1. Erythrocytes
  2. Neutrophils

  3. Eosinophils

  4. Basophils

  5. Lymphocytes

  6. Monocytes

Draw and annotate:

The different blood cells and their distinguishing characteristics in detail.

Do the virtual differential white blood cell count.


  1. How are the different white blood cells distinguished from one another? Explain.

Differential White Cell Count


  1. Preparation: Theory
    • List the cellular components of blood.
    • Describe the cellular components of blood.
    • Review the characteristics of each of the WBC.
    • Look up the normal range for each of the WBC.
    • Use Image Search and find examples of the WBC.

  2. Preparation: Recording results
    Prepare an A4 table to record your results.

    Normal range = Image Drawing Description Seen Total % < = >
    Total= Total= 100%

  3. Prepare to count
    • Open the blood smear (slide 114).
    • Get a feel.
    • Start at the top left.
    • Zoom to about 20% magnification.
    • Scroll from left to right then right to left until you reach the end of the slide.
    • Get a feel for the distribution of the WBC on the slide.

  4. Count
    • Open the blood smear (slide 114).
    • Do the count.
    • Start at the top left.
    • Zoom to about 60% magnification. Zoom higher when needed.
    • Scroll from left to right then right to left until you reach the end of the slide.
    • At each object on the slide, decide: artifact, platelets or WBC.
    • Identify the specific type of WBC and add to your running count in the table.

  5. Calculate
    • For each of the WBC, calculate the % of total.
    • No of WBC รท Total WBC x 100 = %
    • Compare your values to the normal values.
    • All values should be within normal ranges.

    If your values are not within the normal ranges, you have misdiagnosed your patient.



  Differential white blood cell count
© februarie 2008 marius loots