The skin is the main external barrier between the environment and the body. In this topic, the structure of skin, the nail and hair follicle will be examined.
You should be able to:
- Describe the structure and function of the various parts of the integumentary system.
- Name and identify the different layers of skin and their tissue components.
- Describe the functions of skin and modifications for specialised functions.
- Identify and describe the epidermis and its derivatives.
- Describe regional variations of the epidermis.
- Identify and describe the components of the dermis and hypodermis.
- Recognise and describe the accessory structures of skin.
- Describe and correlate components and layers of skin with functions.
Slides for this week
For each slide, complete the work as listed below. Completing the whole slide will assist you in understanding and retention. For each slide, allocate an A3 spread in your workbook. Remember to add the slide and its page number to the index in the front of the book.
- Name the 3 layers of the skin.
- Name the layers of the epidermis.
- Describe the process of keratinization through the layers of the epidermis.
- What are Langerhans cells?
- What are Merkel cells?
- Name the 3 layers of the internal root sheath of the hair follicle.
- What changes occur in the breast at puberty?
- What is gynecomastia?
- Describe how skin becomes pigmented, and the function of this pigmentation.
- What changes occur in the integumentary system during the aging process?
- Describe the life cycle of keratinocytes and their role.
- Describe the role of melanocytes in skin pigmentation.
- What role does the skin play in the maintenance of body temperature? Explain.