
Endocrine System


Tasks and objectives

Glandular tissue consists of endocrine and exocrine glands. For exocrine glands, review the relevant topics. This topic focus on the endocrine system.

The endocrine system consists of discrete organs, portions of organs and distributed cells that secrete hormones into surrounding tissues or structures.

You should be able to:

  • Explain the difference between exocrine and endocrine organs and cells.
  • Explain the organisation of the endocrine system, organs, and diffuse endocrine cells.
  • Explain the characteristics of the endocrine organs and diffuse endocrine cells.
  • Explain the blood supply to each gland.
  • Recognise endocrine organs, and regions and cells within each endocrine organ.

Slides for this week

For each slide, complete the work as listed below. Completing the whole slide will assist you in understanding and retention. For each slide, allocate an A3 spread in your workbook. Remember to add the slide and its page number to the index in the front of the book.
  1. Main glands
  2. Other


  1. Name the five distinct types of endocrine cells of the anterior pituitary.
  2. What changes take place in the thyroid follicular cells during an active secretory phase?
  3. Name the three main cell types seen in the parathyroid.
  4. What do the cells of the adrenal medulla contain?
  5. Name the four main cell types of the endocrine pancreas.
  6. Make a table listing nine endocrine glands/organs and the hormonal secretions of each.
  7. Explain the differences between endocrine and exocrine glands.
  8. List the hormones released by the heart, kidneys, and other organs with secondary endocrine functions.
  9. Describe the types of intercellular communication, their importance, mechanisms, and effects.
  10. What role does thyroid hormones play in the regulation of basal metabolism?
  11. How does the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus communicate?
  12. What four elements make up the thyroid gland?
  13. Name the divisions and zones of the adrenal glands and the hormones secreted by each.
  14. Name the five distinct types of endocrine cells of the anterior pituitary.
  15. What changes take place in the thyroid follicular cells during an active secretory phase?
  16. Name the three main cell types seen in the parathyroid.
  17. What do the cells of the adrenal medulla contain?
  18. Name the four main cell types of the endocrine pancreas.
  19. Make a table listing nine endocrine glands/organs and the hormonal secretions of each.
  20. Explain the differences between endocrine and exocrine glands.
  21. List the hormones released by the heart, kidneys, and other organs with secondary endocrine functions.
  22. Describe the types of intercellular communication, their importance, mechanisms, and effects.
  23. What role does thyroid hormones play in the regulation of basal metabolism?
  24. Name the five distinct types of endocrine cells of the anterior pituitary.
  25. What changes take place in the thyroid follicular cells during an active secretory phase?
  26. Name the three main cell types seen in the parathyroid.
  27. What do the cells of the adrenal medulla contain?
  28. Name the four main cell types of the endocrine pancreas.
  29. What are the general characteristics of the endocrine system?
  30. Oxyphil cells are located in which organ?
  31. What is unique about the structure of the thyroid gland.
  32. Compare the structure of the thyroid with that of the parathyroid.
  33. What is the cell source of calcitonin, melatonin, cortisol and epinephrine?

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